- Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate
- Baleen
- In certain whales, the fibrous plates in parallel rows on either side of the upper jaw.
- Benthic
- Pertaining to the bottom of the sea.
- Biota
- The animal and plant life of a region considered as a total ecological entity.
- Blow
- In cetaceans, the expulsion of air at the surface through the blowhole(s).
- Blowhole
- In cetaceans, the single or paired respiratory opening.
- Breach
- To leap upward through the water surface.
- Cephalopod
- Any of various mollusks, such as an octopus, squid, or nautilus, having a beaked head, an internal shell in some species, and prehensile tentacles.
- Cetacean
- An aquatic mammal of the order Cetacea, including whales, porpoises and dolphins.
- Dorsal
- Pertaining to the back or upper surface of the body.
- Dorsal fin
- The fin along the midline of the back.
- El Nino
- A disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific characterized by sea water temperatures warmer than normal and having important consequences for weather around the globe, including increased rainfall across the southern United States.
- Flippers
- In cetaceans, the forelimbs.
- Flukes
- In cetaceans, the horizontally positioned tail fin.
- Intertidal
- Between the extremes of high and low tide.
- International Whaling Commission
- Krill
- Shrimplike crustaceans occuring in huge numbers in open seas, and eaten by baleen whales.
- Morbillivirus
- Measels distemper virus
- Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
- Morphology
- The structure and form of an organism, excluding its functions.
- Pelage
- The coat of a mammal, consisting of hair, fur, or wool.
- Pelagic
- Of, pertaining to, or living in open oceans or seas rather than waters adjacent to land or inland waters.
- Otolith
- A calcareous particle found in the inner ear of certain vertebrates (fish, for example).
- Ventral
- Pertaining to the underside or lower part of the body.
- Ventral grooves
- In certain baleen whales, the furrows extending back from the chin.